Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nicki goes BLONDE!

Yes, the BARBIE has gone blonde. Believe it or not.

I like it. I just think it's random as hell. So yea. I'm waitin on Nicki fanatics to change up. LOL. If I find ANY pictures of these fools. They WILL get posted on my blog. Best believe. Oh by the way download the "It's Barbie Bitch" mixtape. Love her!!

Here it is.

And here's her vid of her photoshoot for Right On! magazine.

Video Provided by

Until next time...

<33 Lanie.

Monday, November 23, 2009


The AMA's came on last night...and OMG!
To basically wrap it up in a few words. LOVED IT. Well SOME of it. I didn't appreciate Taylor Swift ass stealing every other musicians shine. WTF? You weren't the ONLY one that made music...thank you. She even won out Michael Jackson. MJ. That man has performed his ass off for over 40 years...and Taylor Swift beats him with her 2 to 3 years. HELL NAW. And I actually LIKE her ass. Well, not no more. That's the one time Kanye SHOULD'VE RAN UP. DAMMIT. Yes, I'm upset and IDGAF. It DEFINITELY wasn't fair. She walked away with 5 AMA's...among those being "Best POP Artist", "Best Country Artist", and "Artist of the Year." WTF??? In denial? So am I.


Let's talk about PERFORMANCES. AHHHH...the good stuff. And the bad stuff...and the ok stuff. By the way...these are performances I actually CARE to mention. (:

First up...RIHANNA!!

A lot of people say her performance sucked ass. Well, I think she did ok. I mean, this is her first performance since the Chris Breezy incident. I was just kind of mad she didn't do "Russian Roulette." That's my SHIIIIIT. But the songs she did were "The Wait Is Over" and "Hard." I thought they were good. She tryna sound bad ass. But she had this weird ass [i hope its not a tattoo] line going down in her chest. I think it said Rated R...either way...I hope its NOT a tattoo...because THAT shit wasn't hot. But here's the vid of her performance. Y'all be the judges.


I love her SO much. And she did my FAVORITE song!! It's her new single called "Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart." That's my jam. She was playing the piano in mid-air. The stage was floating... [with restraints, of course] LMFAOOO. And she had this ONE dancer who was GETTIN IT IN!! You just gotta watch it. Here's the vid.

Now for the COMEBACKS of the night.

Janet Jackson and J-Lo. Yes, J-Lo. LOL.
Janet was AMAZING. Some people said she was lipsnycing..but IDGAF. It's Janet, BITCHESS. She performed some old songs like "Miss You Much" and "Together Again." But J-Lo's ass FELL during her performance. She had me going UNTIL she fell. Tsk tsk. Step your dancers up girl. Here are the vids.


No words can describe this...just watch.

That's all I really had to say...besides the fact that...
1. Eminem had the BALLS to perform his part of "Forever" without everyone else. FYI. Drake's ass was there.
2. Drake, Kid Cudi, and Jeremih...brought their SEXY asses on stage...OH, FORGOT Y'ALL WAS THERE.
3. Jay-Z did "Empire State of Mind" AS USUAL. Come on Hov.
4. Where was Kanye when you REALLY needed him?

So yea...bye lovess.

<33 Lanie.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Beyonce and Lady Gagaa!! = ♥


Beyonce and Lady Gaga have teamed up!! WHOOOO! I already liked this song I LOVE it! Lady Gaga look SO different now. I love how she can switch up her looks. Its creative. I love them both. So the vid. (:

"Video Phone [Remix]"

<33 Lanie.

JANET!!!!! nuff said.


Aside from Michael, Janet is my favorite Jackson. I remember seeing her in concert in October '08. She KILLED it. She is truly the epitome of a performer. Her and Michael are the shit. So as a DEVOUT Janet fan....I was TOO geeked when I found out she has a new album coming out in 2010!! And her new single is "Make Me." The vid is black and white and as a typical Janet vid...has the best dance moves. I think its a tribute to Michael because at some parts it looks like the "Scream" vid. Even one of her outfits looks like something he would wear... Love her, always will!!!

"Make Me"

<33 Lanie.

Comeback Chris?

Now i used to be a faithful chris brown fan. Not the "i'm his WIFEY" fan, but just a fan. But after the whole Rihanna situation, I was kinda like.... "DAMN." But after his break from music and public speaking, he came back with two songs. "I Can Transform Ya" and "Crawl." I love BOTH songs. "I Can Transform Ya" is typical Chris and "Crawl" is about Rihanna. Hmm....hey, we were NOT expecting THAT one, huh? The only thing that's a little weird to me is how Cassie is the leading lady in "Crawl." DAMN chris, yu couldn't find at least SOMEONE close to Rihanna with a DECENT haircut? Tsk tsk...but here are the vids.

"I Can Transform Ya"


Could this be a new beginning for Chris?? He can only hope.
<33 Lanie.