Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mary J. Blige...Domestic Issue??

Yes...apparently there is a rumor going around that Mary J. is goin through some difficulties in her marriage. At a recent party on Tuesday, Mary was reported to have punched her husband in the face. Her husband had been apparently flirting with a waitress there. It was said that she punched her husband, Kendu Isaacs, so severely that it drew blood. Hmmm....keepin him in check, Mary?? Mary, on the other hand, denies the rumor. Witnesses claimed to have heard statements such as "You're not gonna ruin my night." and "What are you gonna do, Chris Brown me?" Well hopefully this is a rumor...I would hate that Mary would go through all this.

On the upside, I love Mary's new single "I Am". If y'all haven't heard it...check the vid out.

<33 Lanie.

CeCe Blog: Niggas and these Skinny Jeans!!

Well my dears, here's my first entry. But y'all know what I really can't stand? People that dnt know how to dress themselves right! I mean wtf made you get up this morning and say "Ima put on these jeans and this ugly ass shirt and on my mama I look good" no nigga you look a damn fool! Especially all these neon skinny jeans fools. So you mean to tell me that them bright ass orange skinnys go with that green shirt? Pssh, oh hell to the no! But that's just me venting about these fools out here today..ta ta for now.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

BGC Fight: Portia vs. Natalie!!

Ok, so today on the reality show, Bad Girls' Club, on Oxygen...Portia and Natalie fought. And the claim was that Portia beat Natalie's ass. But...not as much as people may think. Sure, Natalie got a little bruise on her cheek, but that's about as much damage that was done. Natalie had been making comments about Portia's daughter such as "You don't know who your baby daddy is." and such. And Portia, of course, did NOT take that lightly. Portia SEARCHED for Natalie through the whole house, and when she found her, she IMMEDIATELY lunged at her. There was hair pulling and hitting, but nothing major. They were pulled apart by the security and Natalie stayed talking SH*T. I mean, learn your lesson ONCE, please. So, as a result of the fight, Portia was sent home for hitting first. Even though, OF COURSE, Natalie provoked her ass. Flo had made a statement about the fight, "It's like a mother lion protecting her cub." It was a NATURAL instinct. In my opinion, they BOTH should've been sent home. Portia for hitting Natalie and Natalie for provoking the fight. And Natalie had already had an earlier altercation with someone else.

Natalie [left] and Portia [right].

<33 Lanie.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Que leaves Day26??

Say it ain't so!??? Well, unfortunately it is. Apparently there was some lack of trust when it came to finances and managers were making promises that they couldn't keep. And Quanell Mosley, also known as Que, was asking TOO many questions. When he finally found out the truth, it became apparent that working with him wasn't going to be the they excused him from the group. Here's his interview. Since the vid automatically starts, just follow the link. [Fast forward to 9:20 in the vid.]

Well Que, I wish you good in all you do in the future. Good luck.

<33 Lanie.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Females with BAD weave.

AMERICA. I'm done. We have a REAL national threat. These females and this WEAVE. OMFG. Kill me now. It should be against the law to walk out the house like that. I mean, seriously. Thank GOD I am blessed with NATURAL hair. Now I don't have ANY problems with weave in general. I have friends who wear it. It's just the ones with the stringy, can't get wet weave that puffs up when water touches it and then their tracks be stickin out. Like COME ON LADIES. WTF?? If you don't have the $$ to get the weave that's worth while, then DON'T GET WEAVE. Take some vitamins or SOMETHING. Y'all think I'm playin. LOOK at this...





I REST MY CASE. So me and America a favor and step it up. Thankss. If this DOES NOT apply to you, please laugh at these silly girls. This segment is DONE....FOR NOW. Look out for a part 2.

<33 Lanie.

Rihanna updates!!!

As we all know, Rihanna is BACK with her new cd, "Rated R." I personally happen to like the cd. It's more edgier than her past albums. She currently has three singles out.

1. Russian Roulette
2. Wait Your Turn
3. Hard (ft. Young Jeezy)

And I love all three!! I'll show all the music vids after my little blog here.
As we all know, RiRi has spoken out on the Chris Brown incident. She claims there was "no soul in his eyes" when he attacked her. She even claimed that she had never heard the song called "Changed Man" by Chris Brown. Which as we all know, was dedicated to her. Chris Brown, however, says that he did in fact play the song for her, and when she heard it, she started crying. Hmm....two very different stories. Is Rihanna tryna front for the media...or is this another desperate attempt for Chris to win America's affection?? Only time will tell.
PERSONALLY, I could give two fcks about the whole thing. All I'm gonna say is that if that was ME, Chris wouldn't have made it out that car alive. That's all. (:

And as I promised, here are the three videos of Rihanna's current singless:

"Russian Roulette"

"Wait Your Turn"


Rihanna also did this photoshoot with GQ Magazine. Yea, she's CLEARLY over Chris and is taking advantage of that little nude pic scandal...take a look.

Still love her though!! ♥

<33 Lanie.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nicki goes BLONDE!

Yes, the BARBIE has gone blonde. Believe it or not.

I like it. I just think it's random as hell. So yea. I'm waitin on Nicki fanatics to change up. LOL. If I find ANY pictures of these fools. They WILL get posted on my blog. Best believe. Oh by the way download the "It's Barbie Bitch" mixtape. Love her!!

Here it is.

And here's her vid of her photoshoot for Right On! magazine.

Video Provided by

Until next time...

<33 Lanie.